Ahhh Tuesdays. It's a day to recall all of the things I didn't accomplish on Monday and cleverly put them off until Wednesday. And this particular Tuesday didn't have anything spectacular written on the calendar. So after the kids were off to school, dog was walked and coffee consumed, hubby and I started about our day. What are we quilting today? What are we eating today? And what time are we breaking to watch Sunday night's episode of the Walking Dead?!
This was a typical day for us. Since the downturn in the Alberta economy 3 years ago, my husband Jason (JB to the quilting world) had been very hands on in my quilting business. He learned how to load, pick thread, check tension (good golly some days that was rough), and he quilted a TON of quilts! Heck, I even convinced him to create a quilting puzzle computer game! We did what we needed to do to keep the household running, bills paid, and presents under the tree on Christmas morning. Jason continued to search for work daily.
Over lunch that Tuesday we had a heart to heart. I felt the need to commit to growing and building my business, as there were many areas I could focus on developing if I had a little extra time in my day. We agreed together that JB would take on all of the edge to edge quilting and I would concentrate on other areas of growth in order to create enough work for us both to work full time for Love Shack Quilts. He even agreed to stop looking for work, so that we could move full steam ahead as a team (thank you hunny <3 ).
That, was Tuesday.
Less than 24 hours later (now it's Wednesday just in case you lost me there) I received a call from Tracy Bentley, owner of Maple Leaf Quilting Company. She was crying. She might even have been Ugly crying. I thought that she was cancelling our longarm workshop planning session for the next day, but she was not. She managed to get the words out that Gammill Quilting (yes THE Gammill Quilting) was going to offer me the great honour of becoming a Gammill Quilt Artist.
First we did this...

Then a little of this...
And a whole lot... of this.
Hello Universe! Talk about putting all your faith in something and the stars just align on their own! I felt like I had won the lottery, but wasn't really sure what that lottery was for... I mean, I knew it was reason to be excited and celebrate, but what did being a Gammill Quilt Artist really mean? . . .
Ok so in the United States only, there are 19 Gammill Quilt Artists, all with beautiful ribbons and international recognition. They are so talented and respected in the quilting industry. I have followed many of them and looked up to them and their work. They teach, inspire and compete all over the world in amazing places, and have wonderful stories to tell about their quilting adventures. Gammill saw something special in these quilters and wanted to welcome them into the Gammill family by formally recognizing their work and supporting their creativity. They became Gammill Quilt Artists.
And now I am one of those artists. Its humbling and exhilarating at the same time to say that! (Did you happen to catch that I mentioned 19 in the US only? You got it... that means I am the first Canadian Gammill Quilt Artist. Insert a few more "Oh My GOD" memes here... Seriously... what a fantastic honour.)
What it means for me going forward, might be different than what it has meant for other artists. Our journeys have all been unique but we share the same passion. Our love for quilting, our enthusiasm to share this love with others, and our commitment to Gammill quilting machines. I have always quilted on a Gammill and thoroughly love the machine in every way. I guess that makes us a good match ;-). What it also means for JB is some job security. With my new adventures a a Gammill Quilt Artist, he will be taking over all of the Edge to Edge quilting permanently. He's a stickler for quality and will do whatever it takes to keep turnaround time as short as possible. I can see this #gammillguy doing some exciting things in the quilting world yet...
As a little/BIG bonus, Gammill is sending me a Gammill Statler Stitcher to play with. Ummmmm...
I can't wait to see what can be done with this incredible quilting system! And, trust me. I will be shouting it from the Canadian Rocky Mountaintops every time it does something that amazes me. I'll be doing all of my custom quilting, special projects and class samples on this machine! You can even see me using it behind the scenes... Did you know I teach in an exclusive facebook group where you can watch and learn as I quilt LIVE from my studio at home? It's like taking mini classes from me, anytime you want in the comfort of your own home! You can learn more and register for this HERE.
Will you follow along in this new chapter with me? I am looking forward to sharing all the exciting details as they happen... Here's how you can stay in the loop...
(beware many links lurking below!)
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Like me on Facebook HERE
Follow me on Instagram HERE
Check out my workshops HERE and invite me to come & teach in your area!
Take a workshop with me at Maple Leaf Quilting in Cochrane & stay tuned for the latest details by following them on Instagram HERE and Liking them on Facebook HERE.
You can also follow along with Gammill as they continue to release new & exciting things!
Like Gammill Quilting on Facebook HERE
Follow Gammill on Instagram HERE
Gosh am I done yet? Nope. I want to say a massive THANK YOU to everyone at Gammill Quilting for this incredible opportunity. As well, a very sincere thanks to all of my quilting friends out there that believe in me and support me in so many ways. And finally the utmost thanks to my biggest supporter, my husband Jason. To be honest, I hesitated to write this blog post, for fear that it might come across as boasting... but he set me straight. He said "Baby, you have worked so hard! You are the most dedicated and passionate person I've ever known. You DESERVE this recognition. Fly that Flag!"
And so I am. And I look forward to the journey ahead.
Till We Quilt Again,